Mayor Beresford’s October Council Meeting Wrap-up
Mayor Beresford’s October Council Meeting Wrap-up
Council held its monthly meeting a week early than usual due to the Local Government Annual Conference being held during the first three days of next week. In total there are 138 Council motions to be debated at the conference including a number from Councils within the SWQROC of which Paroo Shire is a member. The CEO and myself will be attending the conference and look forward to joining the discussions and debate on the wide range of issues that affect local government.
During the meeting Council approved the following applications for in kind and/or financial support –
• Cunnamulla P-12 State School – donation towards annual Presentation Day awards
• Agforce Qld. Farmers Ltd. – donation towards the Annual SWQ Goat Field Day to be held at Cunnamulla
• Cunnamulla & District Show Society Inc. – donation towards covering the entry fee for the 2023 Cunnamulla Show
• Cunnamulla Polocrosse Club Inc. – provide in-kind assistance and a donation towards the cost of the ambulance for the 2023 Cunnamulla Polocrosse Carnival
• Noorama Sport & Recreation Club Inc. – donation towards the 2022 Derby Day Luncheon
• TRACC (Tackling Regional Adversity through Connected Communities) – use of Wyandra Shire Hall for community workshop on 24th October 2022.
A Development Application to extend the existing facilities at the tourist park situated at 65 Watson Street, Cunnamulla, was granted approval subject to a number of conditions. The development will proceed in two stages and in total will provide 6 new cabin rooms in two relocatable buildings, a new camp kitchen and communal fire pit areas, a new office/manager’s residence and the creation of 23 additional powered sites plus some other ancillary works.
The Transport Infrastructure Development Scheme (TIDS) work for this year is well under way with completion of current work on the Eulo-Toompine Road of widening narrow curves, crests and floodways to improve safety of the road which carries increased tourist traffic in addition to local usage and livestock movements. Recent wet weather added some difficulties to the scheduling of the bitumen seal, however, Council staff managed to work around the weather issues and finalise the job.
Cunnamulla library has recently held robotics workshops attended by the Sacred Heart School and the Eulo State School. Staff also received training in the programming of robotics and have lent one of the Hexapods to the Eulo State School for the last term of school. Two new robotics have been purchased for the library, one is a Kubo robot which provides innovative ways of coding and an ARpedia Reality interactive book set of ten which are connected to an iPad and create a fun interactive hands-on STEM learning experience involving reading.
Council recently took delivery of an Argo Avenger amphibious vehicle which has been gifted to the Council from the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries to help combat the water lettuce infestation on the Warrego River. The vehicle will be invaluable as it is able to motor over land as well as water and will be able to access areas where the larger boat cannot operate. Council staff are liaising with Biosecurity Officers to discuss the water lettuce project and possible future funding opportunities to assist with its control.
The RADF Committee has reviewed and updated its Guidelines, Application Form and Outcomes Report. These documents have been approved by the Council and will be available on the Council’s website. Round 1 seeking applications for RADF funding is now open and will close on 28th October, 2022. Any members of the community with an interest in the Arts who would like to join the RADF Committee please contact the Community Services Team Leader at the Council office.
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Suzette Beresford
Mayor – Paroo Shire Council
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