ANZAC Day 2023
ANZAC Day Services 2023
Cunnamulla 5:45am & 10:30am
Main Service – the march will commence from the Court House corner of Stockyard & Louise Streets at 10.30 am proceeding to the War Memorial Fountain for the service.
Eulo 10:00am
Yowah 6:00am
Wyandra 5:30am & 9:30am
Order of service - Cunnamulla
Welcome Address & Master of Ceremonies - Mayor Suzette Beresford
Poem - Soul of Australia - CMA P-12
Psalm 27 - Merry Higgins
Hymn - Abide With Me - All
Poem - ANZAC Day - SHPS
Prayer of Remembrance - ANZAC - Day Merry Higgins
Wreath Laying
Reading - The Ode - Bruce Allardyce
The Last Post - Randall Osborne
One Minutes Silence
Flag Orderlies
The Rouse - Randall Osborne
National Anthem
Anzac Day Events in Cunnamulla
Join the Cunnamulla & District Diggers’ Race Club for the annual ANZAC Day Races. Gates open at 12:00pm; first race at 1:30pm. A day out for the entire family with Fashions on the Field, bar & canteen and RSL Auxiliary luncheon and foot races.