Mayor Beresford’s April 2023 Council Meeting Wrap-up
Mayor Beresford’s April 2023 Council Meeting Wrap-up
The following Community Grant Applications were approved for in-kind and/or financial support:
- Cunnamulla RSL Sub-branch – financial support for the Anzac & Remembrance Day ceremonies.
- Cunnamulla Rams Rugby 9’s – waiver of hire fees for John Kerr Park and lights for training on Tuesday & Thursday evenings.
- Cunnamulla Gun Club Inc. – in-kind support for the Mothers’ Day weekend annual shoot.
NBN Project
Representatives of Service Stream, an approved construction partner of NBN will be in Cunnamulla between now and September to assess suitability to upgrade existing telecommunications equipment at every property in the town. To do this work Service Stream representatives will need access to each property, but the work can be done without the householder being present in most cases as they are mainly inspecting the existing telecommunications line from the street to the outside wall of each property. There is no cost to residents for this work and a letter giving full details of the work being undertaken was recently mailed to Cunnamulla households.
Anzac Day The following Anzac Day Ceremonies will be held in Cunnamulla on Tuesday 25th April:
- Dawn Service – the march will commence at 5.40am at the corner of John & Louise Streets proceeding to the War Memorial Fountain for a service commencing at 5.45am.
Main Service – the march will commence from the Court House corner of Stockyard & Louise Streets at 10.30 am proceeding to the War Memorial Fountain for the service.
- Anzac Day services will also be held in Eulo, Wyandra and Yowah. Details of times for these services will be advertised on the Council’s Facebook page.
Qld Feral Pest Initiative Exclusion Fence Project
Paroo Shire Council has grant funding to subsidize 370km of wild dog fencing through partnerships with land managers co-operating through an Incorporated Association. Two groups have met the funding requirements and progressed to contract signing stage with Council. These two groups will erect a total of 247 kms of fencing, leaving funding for the erection of a further 123 kms to complete the project. Any interested groups who have not submitted an expression of interest to date can still do so by contacting the Council office.
RMPC Works Completed:
- Slashing of the shoulders on the Mitchell Highway between Barringun and Wyandra
- Pothole patching and edge repair on same section of the Mitchell Highway
- Shoulder grading on the Mitchell Highway north of Wyandra
- Gravel re-sheeting on the Hungerford Road
To obtain more information, please refer to the Paroo Shire Council’s website where the agenda and minutes of all Council meetings are posted. To subscribe to the eNewsletter group click on News & Events then click on Newsletters and sign up.
Contacting Council – should residents wish to contact Council regarding any matter, whether it’s an enquiry, reporting an issue, making a suggestion or lodging a complaint, please use the email