Mayor Beresford’s May 2023 Council Meeting Wrap-up
Mayor Beresford’s May 2023 Council Meeting Wrap-up
This month’s Council meeting was held at Yowah, and our thanks are extended to the Yowah community for their hospitality. A number of local residents took the opportunity prior to the meeting to discuss with Councilors and staff issues where Council may be of assistance and work required within the town.
The following applications received approval for in kind/financial support:
• Hope Program Deadly Choices Camp – in kind assistance for supply of cold room and portaloos
• Russell Macarthur Taekwondo – waive supper room fees for 1.5 hrs Tuesday evenings till 30th June, 2023.
Economic Development
The Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation will be advised that the Council has no objection to the following applications:
• From the Club Boutique Hotel for an increase to their licensed area to include a drive through bottle shop on the corner of Louise and John Streets
• From Charlotte Plains for a liquor license over an area called Charlotte Plains Bore Bar
• Approval was granted to Field Solutions for a Material Change of Use to establish a telecommunications facility on land situated at 20 Harlequin Drive, Yowah.
Following discussions with the State Government regarding housing, the Department of Communities, Housing & Digital Economy has recently notified Council it proposes to build three community housing duplexes in Cunnamulla at 4 Beardmore Street, 61 Broad Street, and 44 Mabel Street. When completed, these new residences will assist greatly in addressing the housing shortage.
Aged/Disabled Accommodation
Council is once again advertising for an expression of interest from accredited providers to lease Yapunyah Lodge for aged/disabled care accommodation. Council was in negotiations with a service provider, however, that party recently withdrew their interest in leasing the facility. Qld. Health through the SWHHS is proceeding with the construction of 10 self-contained aged care units at the Cunnamulla hospital. It is expected these new units will be completed and available early in 2024, however, in the interim, Council will continue to seek a suitable service provider for Yapunyah Lodge.
Tenders for the Cunnamulla Water Pipe Replacement Project Phase 1 has closed and the Tender Evaluation Committee has met to consider the tenders received and select a short list to proceed to the contract negotiation process. The project is critical for Council to provide clean water to Cunnamulla residents and officers will work closely with the successful tenderer to ensure that the project is completed efficiently, effectively and within the budget.
To obtain more information, please refer to the Paroo Shire Council’s website where the agenda and minutes of all Council meetings are posted. To subscribe to the eNewsletter group click on News & Events then click on Newsletters and sign up.
Contacting Council – should residents wish to contact Council regarding any matter, whether it’s an enquiry, reporting an issue, making a suggestion or lodging a complaint, please use the email
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