Mayor Beresford’s August 2023 Council Meeting Wrap-up
Mayor Beresford’s August 2023 Council Meeting Wrap-up
The August Council Meeting was held in Cunnamulla on Tuesday 15th August.
Community grant applications approved at this month’s meeting were:
- Eulo Pink Ribbon Morning Tea – waiver of the Eulo Hall hire fee on 8/10/23
- Cunnamulla & District Diggers Race Club Inc. – Council will auspice a grant and in-kind assistance towards the Melbourne Cup event on 19/9/23
- Agforce Qld. – grant of $2,500 toward catering for the SWQ Goat Field Day
- Cunnamulla Polocrosse Club Inc. – grant of $2,500 for the ambulance and in-kind assistance with the 2024 Polocrosse Carnival
- Eulo State School P&C – grant of $500 to provide recycling bins at the school
- Far West Indigenous Family Violence Service – waiver of Supper Room hire fees for 21-25/8/23
- Safe Families Safe Community – waiver of Supper Room & Kitchen hire fee for 17/8/23.
A reminder to applicants that requests for Community Grants need to be made on the appropriate form which is available on Council’s website and then submitted to Council in time for a Council Meeting prior to the date of the event or function. Items to be included in Council meeting agendas are required at least two weeks prior to the meeting date.
The final draft of the Corporate Plan has been accepted by the Council and will now be available to the community for feedback prior to being adopted at the September meeting. The plan was developed in consultation with the community and will provide strategic direction for the next five years.
Five items of plant equipment surplus to Council’s requirements are being offered for sale by auction online on 28th August, 2023 and include the following:
- 2011 Caterpillar 140m Grader
- 2010 Caterpillar 242B C2 Skid Steer
- Ditch Witch Hydro Excavator
- 2004 Hino mediumTipper
- Lincoln Weldanpower
Full details of the auction are available on Council’s website
The Department of Transport and Main Roads have a policy to progressively remove stock grids from main roads. To discuss this and other matters, representatives from the department will be meeting with Council on 6th September, 2023. Representatives will also be available to meet with rural landholders about the removal of grids which could impact adjoining properties. Arrangements for meeting with rural landholders are yet to be finalised.
The Long Drive for Drought will be in Cunnamulla and Eulo on Sunday 27th August, 2023. In conjunction with Drought Angels, this group raises funds to assist farmers during times of drought and other natural disaster such as floods. This year their road trip will start in Goondiwindi and finish in Birdsville. Come along to John Kerr Park from 1pm to welcome this group of Toyota Landcruiser enthusiasts and enjoy a community barbecue. The convoy will then continue on to Eulo for a stopover before heading to Alroy Station for the night.
Local Law No. 6 (Waste Management) 2022 was adopted by the Council and will come into effect immediately. The newly adopted local law is to protect the public health, safety and amenity related to waste management by – (a) regulating the storage, servicing and removal of waste; and (b) regulating the disposal of waste at waste facilities, and (c) ensuring that an act or omission does not result in harm to human health or safety or personal injury or property damage or loss of amenity or environmental harm or environmental nuisance.