Paroo Shire Council March 2024 Meeting Wrap-up
Paroo Shire Council March 2024 Meeting Wrap-up
Auditor-General Recommendations
The Council has resolved to endorse the following three recommendations contained in the Auditor-General’s recent report to the Qld. Parliament:
- Implement processes to ensure policies and procedures are regularly reviewed and kept up to date.
- Provide an onboarding program for all elected councillors and mayors following the March 2024 elections.
- Annually review the registration status of employees undertaking engineering services.
Regional Arts Development Fund
Arts Queensland has completed a review of the RADF and implemented some key changes:
- Four year funding agreements.
- Aligning the program to the financial year to support Council budget and delivery cycles.
- Simplified guidelines and administrative processes.
- Reduced reporting.
- Alignment to “Creative Together 2020-2030” priorities.
Infrastructure Operations & Maintenance Work
- 11km of medium formation grading has been completed on the Hungerford Road as well as heavy shoulder grading on the Bulloo Development Road plus clearing and diversion drains.
- During rain disruptions to roadworks, additional staff were seconded to help the Parks and Grades crew with weed eating and mowing.
- Medium formation grading and repairs has been carried out on the lower half of the Jobs Gate Road as well as the Bundaleer Lane.
- Slashing the sides of the main roads is ongoing and slashing has been undertaken in Wyandra and along the Mt Alfred Road for 5km.
Water & Sewerage
Repairs to No. 3 bore have commenced and should be completed this week.
The Cunnamulla Library has had a visit from the Outback magazine during February to take photos of the weekly Seniors Connecting with Community program. Hopefully we’ll see an article on the great work the library is doing with seniors in a coming edition.
The social media and digital reach with the “Cunnamulla Tourism” stream is still reaching 35,000 a month with an engagement rate of 12%, well above the average rate.
Council staff now have access to Localis, a data collection system for the south west region. It shows the top spending segments are food & grocery, restaurants, retail, DIY, fuel and cars (including repairs).
The Tourism Group has completed the 23/24 annual desktop audit of the Cunnamulla Fella Information Centre. It found the centre has successfully achieved all of the essential criteria and a significant number of the highly recommenced criteria allowing it to continue using the trademark “i” symbol. The Tourism Group also acknowledged the centre’s commitment to providing a valuable and important service to visitors to the local area and the Outback Queensland region.
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