Mayor Beresford’s May 2024 Council Meeting Wrap-up
Mayor Beresford’s May 2024 Council Meeting Wrap-up
The May Council meeting was held at the Civic & Community Enterprise Centre in Cunnamulla on Tuesday 14th May, 2024.
Community Grant Applications Approved
- Cunnamulla Primary Health Care Centre – grant of $2,000 towards SW Netball Clinic
- Lilly Beresford – grant of $500 towards competing at the Australian National Polocrosse Championships
- Council resolved to advise the Valuer-General that it supports a revaluation of land within the Paroo Shire that would take effect on 30th June, 2025.
- Minister Leeanne Enoch advised that Council’s War Memorial Project was successful in receiving $45,000 in funding under the Qld. Remembers Grant Program. This project will provide a memorial for local service personnel who lost their lives in World War II, the Vietnam War and other conflicts.
- Paroo Shire Council will submit an expression of interest in becoming an Electrically Safe Town. The initiative aims to enhance community understanding and awareness of electrical safety and is seeking EOIs from towns with a population of less than 2000. The selected town/s will be notified to discuss the initiative further within the next couple of months.
- Paroo Shire Council has submitted the following motions to the National General Assembly of the Australian Local Government Association:
That the National General Assembly calls on the Australian Government to:
- Increase funding for the Regional Airports Program
- Re-consider the funding framework in terms of the matching component, and
- Secure the continuation of the Program in future Federal Budgets
Gidgee Kids Early Learning Centre
Council endorsed renewal of the Memorandum of Understanding between Paroo Shire Council and FGP Moreton in relation to the Early Learning Centre at 59 Stockyard Street, Cunnamulla for a term of ten years.
Roads – QRA Flood Damage Tenders
The following tenders were awarded for flood damage repairs under REPA works relating to the September 2022 significant weather event. This work will commence in the new financial year.
- Roads within the north-west quadrant of the Shire – Schmidt Family Trust
- Roads within the north-east quadrant of the Shire – Schmidt Plant Hire
- Roads within the south-west quadrant of the Shire – Russell’s Grader Hire
- Roads within the south-east quadrant of the Shire – Tuckwell Transport & Earthmoving