Mayor Beresford’s August 2024 Council Meeting Wrap-up
Mayor Beresford’s August 2024 Council Meeting Wrap-up
The July Council meeting was held at the Civic & Community Enterprise Centre in Cunnamulla on Tuesday 20th August, 2024.
Community Grant Applications Approved
• Noorama Sport & Recreational Centre Inc – grant of $3,000 towards participation in the Bush Towns Rowing Program
• Sacred Heart Primary School – grant of $500 to assist year 6 students’ trip to Brisbane.
Local Government Association of Queensland Annual Conference
The Mayor and Deputy Mayor will be Paroo Shire Council’s delegates to the LGAQ Annual Conference in Brisbane on October 21-23, 2024. The Council has submitted a motion for consideration at the conference seeking the State Government to develop a targeted strategy in conjunction with stakeholders to improve the attraction and retention of local government Chief Executive Officers.
Cunnamulla Library
The HOPE project which stands for Harmony, Opportunity, Pride and Empowerment has been operating in Charleville and Cunnamulla since 2015 and is a South West Hospital and Health Service initiative focusing on social determinants of health, particularly in relation to youth. The HOPE project has kindly offered to provide a new modern sign for the front of the Cunnamulla Library in keeping with the updated modern interior of the facility and its many young patrons. Council has selected the preferred design and the work will be carried out by Mark Paddick sometime in September.
Local Laws
Council resolved to proceed with all steps required under the process for making Local Laws under the Local Government Act, including public consultation, to update its existing Subordinate Local Law No. 2 (Animal Management) 2011 to the newly drafted Subordinate Local Law No. 2 (Animal Management) 2024. The amendments to the Local Law will assist in relation to animal management by better quantifying what is nuisance noise and other amenity of the community.
Future Planning for Projects
In looking to the future requirements of the Shire, Council has applied for funding towards the following projects:-
• John Kerr Park detailed design for improvements project
• Early Learning Centre construction infrastructure project to upgrade and renovate the existing facility
• Development of the Wick Street site (part of old depot and powerhouse) under the Australian Government Housing Support Program.
To obtain more information, please refer to the Paroo Shire Council’s website where the agenda and minutes of all Council meetings are posted. To subscribe to the eNewsletter group click on News & Events then click on Newsletters and sign up.
Contacting Council – should residents wish to contact Council regarding any matter, whether it’s an enquiry, reporting an issue, making a suggestion or lodging a complaint, please use the email