Flipside Circus Workshops
Roll up! Roll up! Come and join our circus workshops for an hour or a day and learn a range of new skills.
Flipside Circus is hosting a fantastic range of workshops to make school holidays even more fun, whether it's tackling the trapeze or harnessing the hula-hoop, your kids will have a blast at Flipside Circus' Workshops.
Thursday 3 October
Drop In Centre, Cunnamulla
10am-12pm: Prep - Year 3
1pm-4pm: Year 3 - Year 6
(Year 3 students can choose to go in either workshop depending on their ability.)
Places are limited so bookings are essential! To book phone Council on 07 4655 8400.
Tour is supported by arTour, an initiative of the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland, and the Tim Fairfax Family Foundation.