If pilots see stranded stock please note the number and type of stock and GPS location. https://survey123.arcgis.com/share/a65512900348401a812e57d743e4c104
Notice is hereby given in accordance with the Planning Act 2016 that on 19 March 2019 Paroo Shire Council decided to adopt the Paroo Shire Planning Scheme 2019.
The purpose and general effect of the Paroo Shire Planning Scheme is to support the development within the local government area of Paroo Shire. The Paroo Shire Planning Scheme will replace the Paroo Shire Planning Scheme 2006.
The Paroo Shire Planning Scheme will commence on 12 April 2019.
A copy of the planning scheme may be inspected at and purchased from Council’s administration office at 82-88 Broad Street, Cunnamulla. The Paroo Shire Planning Scheme can also be viewed online and downloaded below.