Cunnamulla cleans up four wins in the 2020 Tidy Towns Awards


The winners of the Keep Australia Beautiful 2020 Queensland Sustainable Communities - Tidy Towns Awards were announced on Tuesday 15 December 2020 via an online announcement.

Paroo Shire Council’s Cunnamulla Bushlands Project won in three categories – ‘Heritage and Culture’, ‘Environmental Sustainability - Natural Environmental Management’ and ‘Environmental Communication and Engagement’ – while the town of Cunnamulla also took out the ‘Overall Highly Commended’ award.

Running nationally since 1990, these awards have evolved to encompass projects and initiatives with a focus on environmental sustainability and resource management to reflect a growing awareness of the importance of community-led environmental action. The awards recognise the hard work undertaken by regional towns, councils, individuals and groups and share these best practices and ideas to continue to improve our vibrant rural towns.

Val Southam, Chief Executive of Keep Australia Beautiful said Keep Australia Beautiful was pleased to have so many entries from across regional Queensland this year.

“It is wonderful to see the great work the regions are doing,” commented Ms Southam.

Paroo Shire Mayor, Cr Suzette Beresford commented that Council are delighted with the results of the awards and would like to acknowledge all the Council staff members who were involved in the project, including the team of workers who were hired through Golden West Apprenticeships.

“It’s been a win-win for Council with the excellent work the team have completed on the Bushlands, and for the community with five local residents gaining a Certificate I in Land Conservation Management,” Cr Beresford said.

“Most also had their drivers licences upgraded to manual, first aid certificates completed, as well as gaining useful on the job skills that can be transferred to many other careers.”

Paroo Shire Council also wishes to pass on its congratulations to Rockhampton Regional Council, Bundaberg Regional Council and Gladstone Regional Councils on their success in the awards.


Heritage and Culture Award Category: This award recognises outstanding commitment to the conservation and celebration of a community’s indigenous and non-indigenous heritage and culture.
Environmental Sustainability - Natural Environmental Management Award Category: This award recognises the protection, conservation and enhancement of the natural environment (including waterways, flora, fauna, corridors, roadsides and recreation areas).
Environmental Communication and Engagement Award Category: This award recognises outstanding achievements in raising awareness in environmental sustainability, leading to empowerment and behavior change amongst the target audience. Open to projects from both formal and informal educational institutions egg community groups, business, childcare centres etc.
cunnamulla bushlands