Mayor Beresford's December Council meeting wrap-up



A number of new policies were adopted at the December Council meeting. They included a statutory policy covering the Code of Conduct for Councillors which has been updated as a result of recent legislative changes to the Local Government Act. Other new policies were for Staff Development and Training, Cash Handling and Body Worn Cameras. The existing policy covering the Use of Motor Vehicles was also reviewed and updated. These policies provide guidance for staff in performing their duties and meeting both Council and community expectations.

Cunnamulla Hot Springs and Riverwalk Project

Work on this project continues with an Expression of Interest document having been prepared to seek interest from commercial operators with experience in running this type of tourism facility. The EOI will be released to the market this week via the online LG Tender and will close on Friday 29 January 2021. Submissions will be evaluated against a set criteria and a shortlist of potential operators established. A second phase document will then be developed for the shortlisted businesses which will require them to provide tangible commercial offers and more detailed information relating to their proposals.

Cunnamulla Show Holiday 2021

Council has received advice from the Office of Industrial Relations that pursuant to the Holidays Act 1983, the Minister for Industrial Relations has appointed Friday 21 May 2021 as a holiday for the Paroo Shire for the purpose of the Cunnamulla Show.

Investment Prospectuses

Prior to the December Council meeting, Councillors and Executive staff met with representatives of Lucid Economics to discuss the investment opportunities and challenges facing the Paroo Shire. Lucid Economics have been engaged by South West RED to provide an investment prospectus for the region and for each of the individual six shires. The project also includes the establishment of a suitable website and has a time frame of being completed by Wednesday 30 June 2021. This project is being funded through the Department of State Development and the resulting documents and website will provide Councils with excellent tools to use for future promotion in the region’s development.

Cunnamulla Library

The much anticipated Glamour Photos for 2020 have been taken and both students and parents are thrilled with the results. The Cunnamulla Library has been running this program for a number of years, working with both the Cunnamulla State School and the Sacred Heart Covent School and it was rewarding to have the most students ever participate this year. The Glamour Photo initiative rewards those students who are exhibiting the required attendance and behaviour level to qualify for the experience. The library are very grateful to those who give their time to assist with this program and to CACH for their valued help.

On the first Monday of the school holidays, the Cunnamulla Library held internet safety classes for children thanks to a micro grant from the State Library of Queensland. The classes were a great success with 35 children participating and learning all about how to use the internet safely.