Mayor Beresford's January Council meeting wrap-up


Prime Minister's Visit to Quilpie

Mayor Beresford and CEO Cassie White reported on their trip to Quilpie last Tuesday to meet up with the Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, Deputy Prime Minister, Michael McCormack, Minister for Agriculture, Drought and Emergency Management, David Littleproud, Assistant Minister for Road Safety and Freight Transport, Scott Buchholz and Senator James McGrath. It was a great opportunity for local Mayors and CEOs to chat with the Prime Minister and other members of his party about the issues facing the south west region and for the visitors to experience the region firsthand.

Australia Day

Arrangements for Australia Day 2021 were finalised and each of the four Paroo Shire towns will host their own function. Presentation of the Australia Day awards will take place at the Cunnamulla Swimming Pool starting at 8 am with an Aussie barbecue breakfast cooked by the Councillors. The presentation ceremony will follow together with an address from this year’s Australia Day Ambassador, Mr. Alistair McCooke. Councillors will also attend the Wyandra, Eulo and Yowah Australia Day functions. Details of these events are on the Council’s website.

New Policies

Council has adopted two new policies, namely; Corporate Travel & Accommodation and a Flood Actions Policy – Paroo River Bridge Crossing at Eulo. The first policy relates to employees and contractors and sets out clear direction for the payment and reimbursement of business related travel and accommodation expenses. The second policy clarifies the arrangements Council has put in place during flood periods for the Paroo River Bridge Crossing at Eulo. The policy sets out the timing of road closures for the Bulloo Developmental Road, the depth of water open to vehicle types and the signage used to inform the public.

Cross Border Tourism Initiative

The Bourke Shire Council in NSW is taking the initiative to re-invigorate the forming of a group of councils which could include Bourke, Walgett, Cobar and Brewarrina from far north west NSW and Balonne, Paroo and Bulloo from far south west QLD to provide cross border tourism promotion. A number of issues, including COVID-19, have stalled this idea proceeding, however, the Paroo Shire has agreed to participate in a discussion with the other councils regarding the current viability of the concept.

Cunnamulla Fella Visitor Centre Museum

A project has commenced employing two trainees to organise and catalogue all the items in the Museum’s collection. It is expected this project will continue for about six months and once completed will allow the collection to be accessible online. The project will also provide increased knowledge of the Paroo Shire’s local history and identify any gaps in the collection which may be sourced from local community members, organisations or businesses. It is expected the project will encourage more engagement with the public thereby enhancing the wealth of Paroo Shire history being preserved for future reference.


For more information:

Cr Suzette Beresford,, 0427 551 191 or
Kelly Schmidt,, 0472 870 774