Road Works


Works will be completed by Stabilized Pavements Australia, AusTek Roads Sealing Crew and various Council Maintenance Crews throughout the duration.

Mitchell Highway (Barringun to Cunnamulla) (Stabilising, sealing)
Mitchell Highway (Cunnamulla to Charleville) (Stabilising, sealing)
Balonne Highway (Bollon to Cunnamulla) (Stabilising, sealing)
Jobs Gate Road (Stabilising, sealing) –
Watson Street (Profiling, Pavement Construction, Pipe Laying, Resealing)
Broad Street (Reseal Program)

Watson Street

12th of April commencement of storm water pipe replacement (Council Crew).
19th of April commencement of Curb and Channel removal and replacement (Council Crew).
10th of May commencement of ground works and pavement correction (Stabilized Pavements Australia).
20th of May Sealing works Full Road Closure from Louise Street to Emma Street. (AusTek Sealing Crew).
Road Works