Mayor Beresford’s October Council Meeting Wrap-up


Mayor Beresford’s October Council Meeting Wrap-up

Yapunyah Lodge

The Council is currently in discussions with an interested not-for-profit organisation looking at re-opening Yapunyah Lodge in a stepped process commencing with disability respite, then residential disability care, then respite and residential aged care. If this process is to proceed, there are a number of factors that will determine the timeframe including some upgrading of the facility to meet compliance requirements. The Council is hopeful that these discussions will prove fruitful and result in a new service provider taking over management of Yapunyah Lodge.

Local Government Sustainability Framework

The Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning is working to develop a new sustainability framework for Queensland councils. A discussion paper has been released seeking feedback from councils on the elements of a new framework to monitor sustainability. It is intended to support better long-term planning from the State and a more informed basis for council decision-making and improved outcomes for local communities. As part of the new framework, the department is reviewing the three financial sustainability ratios currently used to assess the sustainability of Queensland councils. Paroo Shire will provide input into joint submissions being made to the Department in relation to this

Economic Development

In conjunction with the South West Qld. Regional Organisation of Councils, Paroo Shire has received fantastic feedback from the Regional Investment Prospectus which is being used in a marketing campaign covering a range of media. The Paroo Investment Prospectus has proven most valuable when presenting opportunities for not just investment but to entice prospective home buyers and families on the benefits of living in the Shire. Both documents are available in digital form should members of the community wish to obtain a copy.

Operational Works

Council has been wet hiring its Pave Line patching truck to a contractor for sealing works in a neighbouring shire and it seems this work will be ongoing. We are looking to expand this business and extend services to other neighbouring Councils if there are positive results from the initial trial.

Main Roads maintenance – the following work has been completed:

  • Light formation grading and desilting of earth drains on the Mitchell Highway, north of Wyandra.
  • Slashing of the Balonne Highway to improve safety.
  • Spraying of noxious weeds and regrowth on the Balonne Highway and Bulloo Development Road
  • Roadside furniture upgrade on the Balonne Highway and Bulloo Development Road
  • Grid cleaning on the Charleville-Bollon and Hungerford Roads.

Transport Infrastructure Development Scheme (TIDS) work continues on the Humeburn Road and Jobs Gate Road with the first 3.8km of road pavement being sealed and a further 5km of road pavement awaiting sealing. It is planned to complete sealing on both roads at the same time to save costs.

We are continuing to install the Covid detection probes in Council’s sewer system at Cunnamulla and so far there has been no Covid detection in the samples tested.

Covid Vaccination

With the proposed opening of the Queensland border mid December, it is important that as many members of the community as possible are vaccinated against the virus. The Paroo Shire currently has 72.26% of the eligible population fully vaccinated which is excellent but we need to aim for over 90%. So in order to stay safe and keep your family safe, the message is – Get Ready and Get Vaccinated.

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