Mayor Beresford’s November Council Meeting Wrap-up


Mayor Beresford’s October Council Meeting Wrap-up

Councillors and staff travelled to Eulo this month to hold the Council Meeting and provide the opportunity for members of the community to meet with Council and informally discuss issues pertaining to the Eulo area. Our thanks to the Eulo community for hosting us and for the feedback you provided.

Regional Drought Resilience Planning

The Dept of Agriculture and Fisheries together with the Federal Government’s Future Drought Fund have engaged the Rural Economies Centre of Excellence to undertake consultation with regional communities to develop regional drought resilience plans to prepare for and manage future drought risks. The South West Region has been selected as the pilot region for the purposes of developing a Regional Drought Resilience Plan by the end of June next year. It is intended that the Plan will be developed through consultation with local government, regional organisations, community and industry. In general the Plans will identify actions to prepare for future droughts, with a sharp focus on the agricultural sector and allied industries. Council is awaiting further details on the program and what the next steps will be.

Waste Management

Residents will soon receive a mail out from the Council containing leaflets and a magnetic white board (fridge magnet) with key messages and descriptive details about recycling and waste separation. The white board is designed to be used as a shopping list and note board so will have a daily useful purpose as well as reminding residents of the defined areas at the Cunnamulla waste facility for specific waste items.

Cunnamulla Library

Council has received advice that the Cunnamulla Library has been successful with its State Library of Qld/Telstra Tech Savvy Communities Grant application. The grant provides for State Library staff to visit Cunnamulla on a number of occasions early next year to assist with the delivery of the program to provide basic digital literacy to interested members of the community. Library staff will be trained in delivery of the program so that the availability of the computer course to the local community will be ongoing.

Council Meeting Calendar for 2022

The following dates and locations have been confirmed for the monthly Council meetings in 2022.

Month              Date                                                     Location

January            Tuesday 18th January, 2022                 Cunnamulla

February          Tuesday 15th February, 2022                Cunnamulla

March               Tuesday 15th March, 2022                    Noorama

April                 Tuesday 19th April, 2022                        Cunnamulla

May                  Tuesday 17th May, 2022                        Yowah

June                 Tuesday 21st May, 2022                        Cunnamulla

July                  Tuesday 19th July, 2022                         Cunnamulla

August              Tuesday 16th August, 2022                    Cunnamulla

September        Tuesday 20th September, 2022              Wyandra

October             Tuesday 11th October, 2022                  Cunnamulla

November         Tuesday 15th November, 2022               Eulo

December         Tuesday 13th December, 2022               Cunnamulla

Annual Report

Council’s Annual Report for 2021/2022 was tabled and adopted at the meeting. It provides a comprehensive review of Council activities for the past financial year and includes a copy of the audited Annual Financial Statements. The document will be made available for anyone to view on the Council’s website.

Events Calendar 2022

An events calendar for 2022 is currently being prepared. All community organisations are invited to lodge their event dates for next year with the Council as soon as possible so the events calendar can be printed and distributed early next year. Details can be emailed to

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Jadu mayor beresford s meeting
