Mayor Beresford's January 2022 Meeting Wrap-up


Mayor Beresford’s January 2022 Council Meeting Wrap-up

Paroo Shire Council held its first monthly meeting of the year on Tuesday 18th January. Below is a summary of some of the items considered, however, the full agenda is available on the Council’s website

Australia Day Awards

The Australia Day Awards ceremony will again be held at the Cunnamulla Swimming Pool on Wednesday 26th January commencing at 8.00 am. Being mindful of the Covid virus and in accordance with a Covid Safe Plan, those attending are asked to wear a mask, be mindful of social distancing and breakfast will be a bacon and egg roll rather than the usual served breakfast on a plate. Everyone is invited to attend and enjoy the Australia Day event.

Cunnamulla Bowls Club Fence

Council has agreed to assist the Cunnamulla Bowls Club with replacing the deteriorating fence in John Street and provide some extra spectator seating. It is planned to have this work completed prior to the bowls carnival scheduled for the end of March. The Bowls Club is also carrying out improvements to the paved outdoor area and these combined efforts should have the grounds looking at their best for this year’s carnivals.

Covid Workforce Response Procedure

Paroo Shire Council has adopted a Covid Workforce Response Procedure outlining the steps and actions it will undertake during a Covid outbreak in order to provide a safe work place for employees and others who interact with Council staff on a regular basis. The procedure details Council requirements to ensure the most effective control measures are activated to minimise the risks associated with the spread of Covid-19, management of staff if they have or are suspected of having Covid-19 and delivery of ongoing critical and essential services.

Flood Damage Roadworks

The Reconstruction of Essential Public Assets funded roadworks are continuing within the Paroo Shire. The cost of work on the 2020 event as at early November, 2021 totalled $19.8M. Work has progressed since then and is on schedule to be completed this financial year.

Sale of Land for Arrears of Rates

In accordance with Section 140 of the Local Government Regulation 2012, Council has resolved to proceed with the Sale of Land for Arrears of Rates process in relation to a number of properties that have rates and charges outstanding for 3 years or more. Formal notices advising of Council’s intention will be forwarded to the relevant property owners shortly. They will then have a window of opportunity of three months in which to pay the total of arrears and interest owing in order to prevent their property being offered for sale by way of auction.

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