Mayor Beresford’s October 2023 Council Meeting Wrap-up
Mayor Beresford’s October 2023 Council Meeting Wrap-up
The October Council Meeting was held in Wyandra on Tuesday 10th October.
Councillors and Executive Staff travelled to Wyandra this week for the October Council meeting and met with some of the local community during the open forum session prior to the meeting. Council appreciates residents taking the time to speak directly with them. Whilst in Wyandra, Council also took the opportunity to check out Council sites and note any work that may be required.
Community grant applications approved at this month’s meeting were:
- Cunnamulla P-12 State School – donate $100 towards the purchase of books for Annual Presentation Day
- Care Outreach Ltd – waive the Wyandra Hall hire fee for Christmas community concert and BBQ.
Wikipedia Project
The Economic Development Officer has been managing a project funded by Wikipedia that has resulted in creating and enhancing Wikipedia articles related to the Paroo Shire. This project aims to increase our online presence and make information about our cultural, historical and natural assets more accessible to a global audience. Training of local editors was a component of this project and will contribute to future sharing of knowledge and expertise about our community. Whilst the project is close to completion, anyone interested in learning how to upload media, edit or write articles for Wikipedia should contact
Council Meeting Dates 2024
Council has adopted the following dates for the first three monthly Council meetings in 2024:
Tuesday 16th January, 2024 at the CCEC building, Cunnamulla
Tuesday 20th February, 2024 at the CCEC building, Cunnamulla
Tuesday 12th March, 2024 at the CCEC building, Cunnamulla
Further meeting dates for 2024 will be announced once the newly elected Council holds its inaugural meeting following the Queensland Local Government elections to be held on 16th March, 2024.
REPA Flood Works on Roads
Under the Reconstruction of Essential Public Assets funding, flood damaged roadworks from two 2022 floods, have been approved through the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements, to the total value of $33.3 million. Council will invite tenders for management of this work shortly.
Tourism Signage
All the QR codes on signage throughout Cunnamulla have been updated and the QR code redirection is now working correctly The QR codes take tourists to specific pages on the ‘Visit Cunnamulla’ website including the Bushlands, Warrego River Walk, Historic Town Walk and Eulo. There are four signs in Wyandra left to complete the project.
RADF – The second round of this financial year’s grant approvals for the Paroo Regional Arts Development Fund were approved by Council with grants totaling $16,920. The successful applications are:
- Kirsten Cash Designs Lantern Making Workshop $12,500
- Chloe Dyer Dance Workshop & Concert $4,420
For anyone wishing to apply for an RADF grant, round 3 of the 2023/2024 grant period opened on 8th October and will close on 12th January, 2024. All enquiries and any assistance required with grant applications can be addressed to
To obtain more information, please refer to the Paroo Shire Council’s website where the agenda and minutes of all Council meetings are posted. To subscribe to the eNewsletter group click on News & Events then click on Newsletters and sign up.
Contacting Council – should residents wish to contact Council regarding any matter, whether it’s an enquiry, reporting an issue, making a suggestion or lodging a complaint, please use the email