Tourism is heating up in Cunnamulla
In preparation of the exciting opening of the Cunnamulla Hot Springs and the increase in tourism into the Shire, the team at Cunnamulla Tourism have been completing some quick calculations of accommodation available in Paroo Shire, how many guests the town can currently cater for and allow us to start working with the accommodation providers in region to think about increasing accommodation options where possible.
So, what did we find out?
We have a varied choice of accommodation from single rooms, king rooms, cabins, powered and unpowered campsites and much more! Space for almost 2,500 people if all the campsites, hotels, motels and cabins are full! But let’s face it not everyone comes to town towing a van but there is still 140 or so rooms in the Shire to book!
Looking at the value of existing accommodation, estimated occupancy rates over the winter season and we are looking at $4,00,000 spent on accommodation each year in the Shire. And guess what Outback Queensland Tourism Association think our figures are being very conservative!
Is next year going to be any different?
We sure think so…, back to the Cunnamulla Hot Springs, over a quarter of a million people were looking at the Cunnamulla Tourism Facebook page last month and in particular looking at a 3 Day Hot Springs Trail throughout the region, starting at Charlotte Plains, working through Cunnamulla, Eulo, Yowah and back to Alroy Station!
How many of those 250,000 people do you think will visit the shire over the next few years to enjoy our hot springs trail? 2% each year? That’s not much and a very moderate estimate, but still, that’s an additional 5000 people coming into town each year. And it’s not just accommodation, those additional visitors will be buying groceries, lunch, coffee, fuel, souvenirs and then getting a haircut, fixing their car and much more.
5000 people extra spread out over the existing tourism season, is about 30 people each day. That’s doesn’t sound like much, but are you ready for an extra 30 customers every day, and how about if that 2% of people that are interested in Hot Springs actually turns out to be 5% or more?
Hold on Paroo Shire – Its about to get busy!