Mayor Beresford’s January 2025 Council Meeting Wrap-up
Mayor Beresford’s January 2025 Council Meeting Wrap-up
Council held its first meeting for 2025 this week on 21st January following the Christmas/New Year break and the return to work of the Council workforce on 6th January. The Executive Leadership team attending the meeting was joined by David Burgess currently undertaking the position of Acting Director of Infrastructure.
Community Grant Approvals
St Catherine’s Sacred Heart 110 year Reunion – in kind support and waiver of fees for the All Aboard facility, cold room, portaloos, blue bins, folding tables and plastic chairs.
Wild Dog Barrier Fence Panel
The South West Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils has been asked by the State Government to identify a representative for one of the two positions available on the Wild Dog Barrier Fence Panel representing the western division. Council has endorsed the nomination of Mayor Suzette Beresford and her nomination will now be forwarded to the SWQROC for member Councils’ consideration.
Stock Route Grant Program
An application to fund the following work on Paroo Shire stock routes will be submitted to the Stock Route Capital Works and Maintenance Program for 2025-2026.
On the Primary Open Stock Route: Tuen and Tuenvale Water Facilities on the Mitchell Highway – 30,000g tanks, 4 troughs and concrete pads equipped with 4” capacity poly pipe, floats and fittings for each facility.
On the Secondary Stock Route: Bores to be logged – Tareen, Jack’s Lake and Balbuna Bores on the Balonne Highway and desilt the earth tank at the Theodore Water Facility.
Policy Review
Council has reviewed and updated the Management of Fraud and Corruption Policy and the Entertainment and Hospitality Policy. Copies of these updated policies have been posted to the Council’s website for public access.
Work in Progress
Council is currently carrying out emergent repair works on Shire roads damaged in the extreme weather event that occurred in December 2024. It is expected this work to bring the roads up to a safe condition will be completed by the end of February. Detailed damage assessment and submission lodgements are forecast to be completed by the end of May.
To obtain more information, please refer to the Paroo Shire Council’s website where the agenda and minutes of all Council meetings are posted. To subscribe to the eNewsletter group click on News & Events then click on Newsletters and sign up.
Contacting Council – should residents wish to contact Council regarding any matter, whether it’s an enquiry, reporting an issue, making a suggestion or lodging a complaint, please use the email