The December Council meeting was held on Thursday 12th December. The following are a few of the items addressed at the m...
These workshops are tailored specifically for up and coming producers and provide an opportunity for them to build busi...
The new Civic & Community Enterprise Centre is now up and running....
Mayor Beresford’s April Council Meeting Wrap-up....
The Paroo Shire Coordinated Wild Dog Baiting Program is being undertaken on properties within the Paroo Shire 10-15 Ma...
Council is seeking EOI from Aged/Disability Care providers for Yapunyah Lodge....
Enjoy a morning in the park with an Easter egg hunt, a visit from some storybook princesses, and more....
Road works will be starting mid April 2021 through to late May (weather permitting)....
The National Drought and North Queensland Flood Response and Recovery Agency and Rotary Australia Community Outreach Eve...
Updates from Council coming out of March's General Meeting...
Walk through Paroo's newest asset....